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Empower (YOU)TH with JPort Japan

Empower (YOU)TH with JPort Japan

Struggling to find a job in Japan as an international student?

Come to our event ‘Empower (YOU)th’ 📣 to hear from senpais with international backgrounds working at companies in Japan and have a ‘real’ sense of how to do job-hunting in Japan.

日本の就活って大変😮‍💨 私みたいな留学生でも、就活できるのかな?

そんな方には「EMPOWER (YOU)TH」📣 日本の企業で働く国際色豊かな先輩たちの話を聞くことで、日本での就職活動を「リアル」に感じてみませんか?

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Storytelling for Impact Founders

Storytelling for Impact Founders

If you want to grow your own social business or are interested in building impact startups, how can you communicate your ideas and visions effectively to others?


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Sustainable Job Creation (WISH SI Program) w/ JPort

Sustainable Job Creation (WISH SI Program) w/ JPort

Interested in making social impacts and working in social businesses (NGOs and NPOs) to make sustainable changes? Join our seminar discussing Sustainable Job Creation - Internship Opportunities in Social Impact Sector on July 5th 2022, Tuesday at 7PM!


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Social Impact Metrics

Social Impact Metrics

How can we successfully measure Social Impact? Join us and Ms. Devahuti Choudhury, our SDG Impact Specialist from UNDP Asia-Pacific to learn how to integrate Social Impact Metrics in your decision-making process, as well as in your daily lives.
UNDPアジア太平洋地域SDGsインパクトスペシャリストのDevahuti Choudhuryさんと一緒に、ソーシャルインパクト評価を日常生活にどのように取り入れることができるかを学びませんか。

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